US-led forces added the murders of pregnant women to therecent murders of school children in Afghanistan. US military officials were forced to admit they lied in their report that Afghan “bad guys” murdered five civilians when Timesonline reporter Jerome Starkey went to the scene and documented that all evidence and witness testimonywas that US-led forces murdered innocent civilians in a night raid. Unanimous testimony included Afghan government officials, police chiefs and survivors of the attack. The United Nations and New York Timesinvestigated and corroborated Mr. Starkey’s reporting.
Mr. Starkey then documented with Harvard University’s Nieman Watchdog of the US military propaganda campaign to discredit his reporting, which included additional lies they were forced to recant. Mr. Starkey reports previous US and NATO lies about causing civilian deaths and concludes that such lies are standard procedure, as well as to attack journalists who catch their lies.
Rethink Afghanistan reports this event and interviews Mr. Starkey in their 4-minute video specificallylinked to Facebook.
The war in Afghanistan is unlawful in Orwellian degree; tragic-comic in its violations of US war laws(useful analogy to well-understood laws for individual self-defense here). Although the laws of war are crystal-clear, complicit corporate media lies by omission and commission to explain what these laws have meant for 65 years and how they apply to unlawful US invasion of Afghanistan. A summary of mydocumentation and full explanation of US war laws:
- The US is the principle author of the UN Charter, a treaty that under the US Constitution has equal power with all US law that requires all nations to eliminate wars of choice.
- The only lawful uses of war are self-defense upon armed attack by a nation’s government (or imminent threat of such) and/or authorization of the UN Security Council (UNSC).
- UNSC Resolutions correctly categorized 9/11 as a terror attack and authoritatively declared the legal response of international cooperation with intelligence, arrest, and prosecution of those responsible for the criminal conspiracy of 9/11.
- The US violated those UNSC Resolutions by attacking the country of Afghanistan; committing the worst crime a nation can damn another to suffer: an invading War of Aggression.
- The US refused to provide any evidence of who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, claiming they “knew” who did them, and refused the Afghan government’s offer to help locate, arrest, and extradite anyone who the evidence shown was involved.
you have got to read this.
An unaccustomed truth.
this is amazing.
Tx for this, RZ. Incredible.