Monday 28 September 2009

Gordon Brown & Nulabour on the Long Walk To The Firing Squad

Alternative Title - 'How Government By Fiasco Doesn't Work'

1. Surrogate Thatcherism
2. Iraq Debacle
3. 10p Tax Threshold Fiasco
4. ID Cards(not)
5. Post Office Privatisation(not)
6. Afghanistan Shambles (booed at Cenotaph - Do not pass Go, do not collect £200)
7. Bonus Culture
8. M.P.Expenses Scandal
8. Early Election(not)
9. Regulation of Finance Sector(not)
10 Bizarre Gurning on YouTube
11 Attorney General Sacked(not yet)

Gurkhas, Steady ...Aim.....FIRE.


  1. Aim, Fire? I would pull the trigger tomorrow.

  2. Brown looks quite fetching in the Thatcher wig. You know... in the strange half light......
