Monday 21 September 2009

Afghanistan - Where Empires Perish

1 comment:

  1. How many people do we intend to kill to obtain whatever is our objective in Afghanistan? The Soviet Union killed a million before leaving…the flight schools in Florida were the training camps that made the tragedy for 9/11 possible. And the individuals responsible were not even from Afghanistan—17 of the hijackers were Saudi Arabians! What threat are these Afghanistans? That is one of the poorest nations in the world. They don’t have missiles, they don’t have nuclear weapons, no air force, they don’t even have a helicopter. What kind of threat do they pose to the U.S. that justifies killing them?”
    All for what? Answer: nothing--save making a lot of money for a few corporate heads that invest in the military industrial complex. Iraq and Afghanistan continue as purposeless wars fought by a few American young men and women while the rest of Americans eat pizza, drink beer and cheer their favorite NFL teams.
    The disconnect remains SO obscene after eight years as to set the benchmark for immorality, financial debauchery and spiritual obscenity. How can 535 men and women along with two presidents of the United States kill SO many people without purpose? For how much longer? To what end?
    The Vietnam War proved a complete waste of money, time and 58,300 American lives along with 350,000 horribly wounded. Subsequently, studies show between 150,000 to 200,000 American veterans eventually committed suicide from their war traumas. Additionally, Vietnam caused countless divorces and fatherless children as well as drug and alcohol abuse that ravaged hundreds of thousands of veterans. Several million Vietnamese died. After 10 years, we vacated Vietnam while accomplishing nothing.
    President Lyndon Baines Johnson started the war with his contrived “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution” that created his ‘reason’ for waging war against North Vietnam. In reality, that country suffered a civil war with no threat to the United States whatsoever. I remember my drill sergeant at Fort Benning barking at us, “We pledge our lives to Father Johnson for freedom. Now move out!” Johnson proved one of the most corrupt presidents in U.S. history. When he absorbed the enormity of his mistake, it broke him and he died a deeply depressed human being.Bush will do likewise.
