Friday, 31 January 2014

America's Criminal Legacy

UNICEF’s Daniel Toole calls Afghanistan today “without a doubt the most dangerous place to be born.”
It’s the world’s longest major conflict. Humanitarian aid enough to matter is sorely lacking. Millions of Afghans are on their own.
They’re imperial US victims. They suffer horrifically. Only 6% of Afghans have reliable electricity sources. Only 30% have semi-safe drinking water. Nearly 80% of Afghan children lack access.
Only 6% of them are registered at birth. The vast majority are nonpersons. They have no legal identity. They’re vulnerable. They’re unprotected.
Few Afghans have telephones. Most of them are in Kabul. Millions of internally and externally displaced refugees are largely on their own. Read More

1 comment:

  1. Media scoundrels ignore high crimes of war, against humanity and genocide. America turned Afghanistan into a wasteland. florida police records
