Friday 15 March 2013

MoD admits campaign in Afghanistan is 'an unwinnable war'

MoD admits campaign in Afghanistan is 'an unwinnable war' - UK Politics - UK - The Independent: "The report, Lessons from the Soviet Transition in Afghanistan, is an internal research project produced in November last year by the MoD’s think-tank, the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC). Based in Shrivenham, Wiltshire, the DCDC’s reports “help inform decisions in defence strategy, capability development and operations” across all three branches of the armed forces.
The study examines the “extraordinary number of similar factors that surround both the Soviet and Nato campaigns in Afghanistan” and highlights lessons that military commanders could learn.
“The highest-level parallel is that both campaigns were conceived with the aim of imposing an ideology foreign to the Afghan people: the Soviets hoped to establish a Communist state while Nato wished to build a democracy,” it says. “Equally striking is that both abandoned their central aim once they realised that the war was unwinnable in military terms and that support of the population was essential.”"


  1. What was there to win in the first place?
    Who is to say that no objective, was their objective all along.

  2. Objectives? Self perpetuation.Racism. Chauvinism. Neo-Colonialism.

  3. Yes, those 'objectives' could end up costing 8 TRILLION $.
    Crony capitalism worked well for the war mongers.
    It will take Iraq decades if ever to re-group.
    It is the people that suffer financially, physically, and mentally.
    O turned the page for the prior criminals.
    Now we wait and see if others will follow and repeat.
    I fear so.
    Again I have to say that the one thing that bothers me most is - - - -
    that they got away with it.
    How stupid can our 'civilized society' really be.

  4. I fear they did get away with it. But we have to continue to try to ensure that history holds them to some kind of belated account.
