Sunday 10 February 2013

NATO 'on the road' to winning war against Taliban

NATO 'on the road' to winning war against Taliban - RTÉ News:
Might have believed that spin (although not really) 11 years ago. Now it is known as black humour. Hence the white wash.


  1. The page will be turned.
    The recycle, white wash, and spin cycles will be easy to sell to the
    ignorant American masses.
    They have asked the Taliban to renounce violence.
    A "good Taliban" will be fabricated to do this.
    But, but, but, what about the "bad Taliban"?
    For that they will want to keep an acceptable occupier troops in country.
    The justification for this will be to assure that there will never be another attack
    on America from Afghanistan again. And it will be bought hook line and sinker.
