Wednesday 5 September 2012

General Allen And 'Reposturing The Battlespace'

Allen: Airlift, and we can talk about the air piece of it. That is one that has got a lot of my attention, and it's going to be a long time to fix that actually. But the sustainment piece of this, as I actually was saying just this morning to my leaders, a young army might do quite well in close combat, but young armies fail typically to sustain themselves. And so we're putting a tremendous amount of effort, actually, into engendering habits of sustainment. And it's everything from being able to properly convoy the equipment and the fuels and that sort of thing to the various places for distribution to getting the spare parts to the mechanics so they can turn the wrenches in the motor pools to keep the vehicles up.
This is a vignette into how far from reality Allen and Nato are. ..'equipment and fuels and that  sort of thing.' The battlespace is in good hands alright. The title for the interview is 'Are We Winning in Afghanistan? Doh. And who are 'we'? FULL INTERVIEW

1 comment:

  1. Nice piece of propaganda - not much difference between an interview conducted by FP and the Pentagon itself.
