Saturday 14 July 2012

Annan, UN Out of Excuses In Syria

The Trench: Annan, UN Out of Excuses In Syria:


  1. I am going to keep this Syrian thing as simple as possible.

    If Shillary says GO.
    Then that means STOP.

    They are marching us into the global mantra of
    War is Peace.
    Peace is War.

  2. If Syria falls, the US march across Africa will definitively start the endless wars without boundaries. AQ are rubbing their hands just now.

  3. I agree.
    It might "spill" into Lebanon sooner than later.
    This would make Israel ecstatic.
    This is total control through chaos.
    A/Q seems to be playing both sides.
    We seem to be playing both sides.
    Both sides can not prevail.
    Blow back will be harsh.

    Will Russia and China give up on Syria?
    Will they draw the last line around Iran?????????
