Thursday, 26 April 2012

Drone Warfare In Yemen

Yemen’s drone war: Is mission creep drawing us into a civil war? - Slate Magazine:


  1. I'll be more direct: U.S. military creep was underway in Yemen before the revolution began, the U.S. is engaged in the lowest form of COIN (counterterrorism), and is already slipping into the south's civil conflict. COIN isn't something to fear - pure CT is. The Obama administration continues to spin an ongoing disaster spun into a policy triumph, "success" as AQAP grows its numbers.

  2. This is not and never has been about COIN.
    Yemen is a choke point.
    They succeeded in naming it the "global war on terror".
    As soon as there is a rebellion by the people, the A/Q blame card is played.
    unless of course they are collaborating with them in Libya or Syria.
