Jacobson said Afghan forces were clearly in control of the city, as part of a phased transition ahead of a pullout of NATO combat troops in 2014. His remarks came in stark contrast to perceptions that security has worsened in the Afghan capital over the last 12 months with a series of spectacular attacks on Western targets, such as the US embassy siege.
The United Nations has also disagreed with NATO assessments, saying in September that the number of security incidents was up 39 percent on the first eight months of 2010, while ISAF said they were down two percent. Link.
Unless drastic political measures are undertaken - towards Kabul, Islamabad and the Taliban - NATO will eventually run out to time to keep defending its "success." I don't foresee a South Vietnam-like collapse, but definitely going to be messy post-2014; the absence/presence of U.S. troops will be equally destabilizing.