Friday, 13 January 2012

Intel Report - Afghan Dead End

Two current and one former US official speaking on condition of anonymity told AP the intelligence community’s take on the war is that the Taliban may only be paying lip service to peace talks with NATO and Afghan government.
The classified Afghan National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) declares the war at a stalemate, with NATO security gains far outweighed by corruption at all levels of Afghan government.
The report also finds special operations raids and programs to bolster local Afghan security are somewhat effective in degrading the Taliban, but it returns as soon as NATO forces withdraw from an area. The assessment also questions the overall success of the longest war in US history. Full story.


  1. A military force can not hold and build what was never theirs in the first place.

    Trust, security, infrastructure, and credibility was never in the equation.

  2. True on all four. I would only add common sense as one of the missing ingredients.

  3. The Taliban's negotiating position is roughly same as Washington's. I don't think they're fooling each other - this war is dragging past 2014.
