Tuesday, 29 November 2011

India Wins Afghan Mines Deal

In a development that correspondents say caused some concern to India's strategic rival Pakistan, the two sides said the aim was to boost trade, security and cultural links.Exploitation of the estimated two billion tonnes of iron ore deposits in Hajigak mine - located in Bamiyan - is expected to begin by 2015.Officials say that the project has the potential to be Afghanistan's single biggest foreign investment project.The Hajigak deposit contains an estimated 1.8 billion tonnes of iron ore, with an iron concentration of 64%, the mines ministry said in a statement. The figures are based on a survey carried out in the 1960s. Link.


  1. Think of Afghanistan as a pizza pie.
    The major players are moving in to get their slice along with their toppings.
    The are globalizers, and there are globalized people of the world.
    The ized rarely get their share.

  2. As we both know, the aim of all wars is robbery.

  3. Yes sir.
    That it is.
    The PIIGS are being robbed with out one shot being fired.
    Talk about usury. LOL
