Thursday, 20 October 2011

Fall Of Gadaffi - Early Thoughts

This is not the end of Libya's problems although it will be simplified as such by much of the MSM. There are many left in Libya and the adjacent countries with no love for, and no need for the west and their surrogates. Islamists and Salafists are obvious examples. They are well financed and backed and armed by Qatar. Belhaj controls much of Tripoli. There is big potential for a flashpoint there involving Zintant and the secular groupings. The risk of possible theological conflict with the 
Sufis has already been illustrated in the destruction of tomb shrines.
Not to forget the Gadaffi loyalists. There are still significant numbers around particularly in the south and some parts of Tripoli. The Warfalla and Gadhafa tribe, after what they have suffered in Bani Walid and Sirte are likely recruits to any guerrilla war.
And like any potential state implosion we have the external forces getting ready to play their part: US, France, Britain and Qatar.
Tribal fighters from Chad, Mali and Niger could make themselves available for a pro-Gadaffi guerilla war in the south. Much violence is store yet for the Libyan people unfortunately.


  1. This ain't over by a long shot.

    Now the economic hit men will pay the new regime a visit.

    Even so called "liberals" here are toasting this outcome.
    One guy even went so far as to say that it was no coincidence that Shillary was in Libya at the time of the take down.
    As if she signed off on it.
    They have solidified and justified any and all regime changes.

    The crusade is in full stride.

    SO who will be their new Colonel.

  2. The battle to be the new Colonel will define the imminent civil war. Craig Murray is good on the topic here:

  3. Nice pic. When does Blair get one in the head?
