Friday 8 July 2011

Libya - Nato's Gift Of Depleted Uranium

From BBC24 - Depleted uranium has now been found in Libya from NATO bombs. DU will keep killing anyone men, women, children, babies just like in Iraq. Time to highlight some of the long-term implications of the Western intervention in Libya. A sound, but difficult test case is the West’s use of depleted uranium weapons. Though U.S. and British officials have so far denied their employment over Libya, from the very start of the intervention to overthrow Gaddafi speculation has been rife that ammunitions used by the U.S. and NATO contain ‘depleted’ uranium. What to make of these stories? Read more.


  1. The read more link is not working for me.

    Fallujah was just the beginning.
    The use of DU must stop.
    They bomb, and bomb.
    Not knowing or caring where or what they hit.
    Why is there no out rage over what is happening in Libya.
    This is more of the W/Cheney 1% solution.
    Regime change, shock and awe, occupation, and control through chaos continues.
    There is still no viable explanation of exactly who or what these so called rebels represent.

  2. Tx, the link is sorted now. The Libyan rebels themselves are not so sure of their collective identity. I have said in exchanges with James Gundun that I think the Islamists will emerge as the predominant voice in Libya and a few other places. In every UK broadcast from Libya you seen or hear in Britain you hear 'Allahu Akhbar' from the rebel camps.

  3. I have not seen or heard that.

    Will be looking for it now.
    This then can only mean that the long war will continue as we all know.

    Some of the greatest negotiators in trade, and business through the ages have come from MENA.
    One would think that the negotiating table would be seated.
    But instead the West has chosen [EMPIRE UBER ALLES].

    The question must be asked then.
    Are they cheering for a new Caliphate, or is this a freedom cheer?

  4. From the article

    "an element that has a half-life of 4.5 billion years and has thus earned the title “the silent killer that will never stop killing.”

    We have met the enemy, and the enemy is us.

  5. The beast is within us all but some of us are trying to kill it.

  6. It must be "hacked". :-)

    If not then the beast will devour humanity as we know it.

    Our only last line of defense will be mother nature.
    And it will send it back to the the beginning of time.

  7. Time - the simultaneous healer and destroyer. Just as mother nature is a nurse and a devourer. How shall we flee?
