Monday 25 July 2011

Assassins Vs Assassins

'Yet in spite of this tactic’s familiarity, the Taliban’s latest assassination spree does indicate a new pattern; rather than a strategic shortcut to power, the insurgency has crafted a majority of its future strategy around premium targets. This “counter-assassination” campaign is synchronized with President Barack Obama’s surge to the degree that coincidence is improbable. As the insurgency’s shadow governors parallel the government to vie for control of the battlefield, parallel assassinations are designed to undermine America’s surge and cancel out their own high-ranking losses.' 
From The Trench here.


  1. From what I am seeing, the Taliban is not targeting civilians.
    They are getting more into the core of the rotten apple that controls Afghanistan.

  2. Yes, I would agree that a change in Taliban tactics is visible recently. Targeted assassinations, fewer attacks on Nato (the military casualties for this week are the lowest in about a year I would say). They still kill too many civilians. But that is what they do. ISAF of course are supposed to be protecting people (cough.)
