Sunday 1 May 2011

Taliban Spring Offensive Imminent

Short news clip below. It's interesting that Nato/Isaf, who seem to spend more resources on press manipulation than they do on avoiding killing cilivilians, are calling these reports Taliban propaganda. They have spent the last few months predicting precisely such an upsurge in order to soften up public reaction to the inevitable spike in military and civilian casualties. 'Well, we said this would happen...' claims Pertaeus sort of approach. It has happened for going on 11 years now. How much failure is needed before someone (Obama?) comes to the conclusion that this is a failure?

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  1. This is all lip service, and code speak.
    They are clue less.
    They can only make up excuses for so long.
    Every one new a new offensive would be coming from both sides when the seasons change.
    The Afghan people must be the decider on this.
    They will be the one to say that enough is enough.
    As the old saying goes.
    --The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.--
    The West is still being seen as invaders, and occupiers of Afghanistan.
    The Taliban are Afghans.
    Good or bad, they are Afghans.

  2. Looking at the news headlines on your side bar tells the real story of the going on in Afghanistan.

  3. The sidebar point is well made, RZ. Some of the headlines appearing there don't chime with the site but I leave it as it is because it is a sample on a virtually random basis from MSM feeds. It's notable that it is a constant narrative of death.

  4. "A constant narrative of DEATH"

