The gist of the Bush Doctrine was 'Fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here.' But how much better and safer to pretend to have fought them (the terrorists, stupid) over there so we can all pretend to not have had to fight them over here. Which was always a pretence anyway, if you follow my drift. Here is a storehouse of the gnarliest merchandise which all the coolest fake veterans are wearing. Sad, do I hear you say? Hey, what could be sadder than the actual soldiers or mercenaries? I sport a full set of medals myself and I don't even know where Kandahar is in Iraq. If you are the type of faker who wants his (or her) look to say 'I'm a now, cutting-edge sort of sad fantasist', get your credit card out and get yourself some of the action. Sorry, bad choice of words at the end there.
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