Saturday 2 April 2011

Pastor Wayne Sapp Defending Koran Burning - Video

I wonder if Christ would ever have indulged in book-burning, holy books or otherwise. No consolation for the UN staffers who lost their lives due to this crass stupidity.


  1. You will burn in Hell

  2. Don't know if you directed that to me or the good pastor, Anon. But examine your own conscience.


  4. Wђat a stupid act by a stupid man. In burning that koran, you have sealed τђέ deal to give ÿσυя soul to τђέ devil. Even τђέ precious book you claim to believe in teaches tolerance. You hide behind Christianity (which in every way condemns ÿσυя actions) Αη∂ claim to be fighting for Wђα̩τ ever reason you claim to fight for, Αη∂ now as a result of ÿσυя dumb selfish Αη∂ disgraceful act, you have caused τђέ death of innocent people. I hope Αη∂ pray that τђέ Lord delivers you into their hands so that you in turn would be judged. May you Αη∂ ÿσυя generations unborn suffer for ÿσυя actions. I don't even need to curse you, you are cursed already. May τђέ souls of τђέ innocent ones killed rest in peace,Amen.

  5. The actions of one man does not reflect all Christian views in America. As a Christian I am appalled by the actions of this pastor. There is one God and many interpretions of his word. Only the nonliving know the truth, but until we are them we should allow each other to worship God or whatever deity as each individual sees fit. This pastor crossed the line, but not to the extent of killing innocent people. If you have a problem with certian individuals take it up with them, not the innocent people who try to live peacefully and who help those in need.

  6. Thanks for making all of us that ARE Christians look bad. You DO NOT speak for me with your ignorance.. The blood of the UN workers is on your hands. Hope you sleep well knowing that.

  7. Just wondering if you are working with the church that protests Soldiers funerals? You two seem to be cut from the same cloth.... Scum of the earth.

  8. So, umm, are the people who actually beheaded people, are they making all Muslims look bad? Are they to blame for the murders at all?

  9. Beheading people is never a good thing whether it is with swords or drones. But I'm not aware of UN workers being beheaded in Afghanistan before the good Pastors and their brave and inspired contribution.

  10. Peace-ple Sven Pedersen 26. april kl. 01:42
    The matchn striker from Florida!_______________________________________________________
    I stroke a match
    although knowing
    there were a lot of petrol close by
    and children were sleeping in their bed
    in the same house
    but it was not my fault and responsibility
    I just stroke a match

    I stroke a match
    and I do believe in God
    and that it is my human right
    to strike a match
    whereever I want too
    I am innocent
    I just stroke a match!

    I stroke a match
    seven children were burnt to corpses
    But it wasn´t my fault
    I am innosent
    I did not do anything wrong
    I just stroke a match

    Striking matches is my favorite act
    It is awful nice and enjoyable
    to see people suffer
    and beside there are children enough
    in this world
    I just stroke a match.

    In 1914 in Sarajevo
    a Serbian student fired just one shot
    And everyone should have the right to fire
    at least one shot.
    It is a human right to have a pistol
    so he did not do anything wrong
    in fact he was just as innocent
    as the match striker from Florida.
    The follwing four years
    the whole world was in a chaotic war
    with millions of death on both sides

    God shakes his head:
    how stupid can people be
    I did not create them like that
    I think the devil is acting
