Friday 29 April 2011

11 Years On - Going Swimmingly In Afghanistan

Latest 'Progress In Afghanistan' Bollocks from ISAF. Some MSM swallow it as follows:
At the same time, however, the report said the momentum of the insurgents has been “broadly arrested” and their morale has begun to erode. Hundreds of insurgent leaders have been killed or captured, it said, and since last July 700 former Taliban have been officially reintegrated into Afghan society and another 2,000 insurgents are in various stages of the process. Nato says three service members have been killed in separate incidents in Afghanistan, where insurgents are stepping up their targeted attacks on coalition troops and others aligned with the government.The coalition said on Friday that two died when a bomb exploded in the south and a third was killed by insurgents in the east.
The three deaths, which occurred on Thursday, raise to 48 the number of foreign troops killed so far this month, compared with 33 in April 2010.


  1. Everything was looking good for the U.S. - for a moment - and now the entire mass is already sliding back downhill. Obama only gets one surge even if he doesn't withdraw any troops in 2011, and one surge was never going to break the Taliban like Iraq's insurgency. Afghanistan's government, army and infrastructure is weaker than Iraq's. Never a realistic strategy or time-line to begin with.

    Nor is Iraq's insurgency actually dead. Someone needs to get the White House a book on Sisyphus.
