On March 1 in the village of Nanglam in Afghanistan, the people heard gunfire in the nearby mountains. They became worried when some of their children did not return home. The boys had been out collecting firewood since morning, and the villagers went to look for them.
“Finally we found the dead bodies,” said Ashabuddin, a shopkeeper from a nearby village whose nephew Khalid was among the missing. “Some of the dead bodies were really badly chopped up by the rockets,” he said. “The head of a child was missing. Others were missing limbs.”
“We tried to find the body pieces and put them together. As it was getting late, we brought down the bodies in a rope bed. We buried them in the village’s cemetery,” Ashabuddin added. “The children were all from poor families; otherwise, no one would send their sons up to the mountains despite the known threats.”
Khalid, 14, was the only male in the family, Ashabuddin said. “He was studying in sixth grade of the orphanage school and working because his father died four years ago due to a long-term sickness. His father was a day laborer. He has 13 sisters and two mothers. He was the sole breadwinner of the family. I don’t know what would happen to his family, to his sisters and mothers. They are all female and poor.” From Workers World
Great link.