Sunday 28 November 2010

Who Are The Real Impostors In Afghanistan?

Who cares if the fake sheikh turned out to be scam-merchant? It occurred to me when reading James Gundun on the Trench about the fiasco that Karzai and Petraeus have been scamming us all for years. Obama signs the statements and the cheques. And when was the last time NATO or ISAF issued a statement which was not wall-to-wall bogus. The US/NATO narrative in Afghanistan is this:
- Karzai is a democrat (spot the mistake) so we must support him
- We must fight the Taliban (as if they were one group) because, inter alia, they repress women
- We do/we will never negotiate with the Taliban (still as if they were one group)
- The Taliban (all groups) are all but defeated and we are fighting them in the next 'last bastion'
- We are winning hearts and minds (what civilian casualties?) in Afghanistan and Pakistan with drones
- We will/we will never leave Afghanistan with the 'job' unfinished.

Who are the scammers here? Petraeus is the worst offender in my opinion, pretending to be something he isn't, delivering something he can't in a conflict which is pretending to be something which it isn't.

There. I feel better about the chicanery now. Roll on the Wikileaks dump. I can't wait. Are you listening, Julian?


  1. One lie has to defend the next lie.
    This whole endless wars without borders is based on lies. They just can not help themselves.
    The truth is out the some where.
    When it is shown. All hell will break loose.

    This wikileak imo will be more damming than the ones before.
    This one will include the mind set of the uber ones. Many will regret their past connection to the war mongering.

  2. The leaks have started, RZ. Check Der Spiegel and the Guardian.
