Tuesday, 19 October 2010

How Long Till The Phoney 'Victory' In Afghanistan?

The countdown has started. The Dutch have gone already. Peace and freedom are finding their way into Obama's routines. The Peace of Obama's speechwriters, already being enjoyed by the Iraqis, is timetabled to be announced, depending on electoral requirements and opinion poll ratings in the US. Here are the latest doubters in the Coalition of The Failing. Note the instant poll figures on the page.


  1. They will need to find a "Peace with honor".
    The O Team can not keep the status quo.
    Australia would be nice.
    But I would like to see Germany, or the U.K. speak up about pulling out.
    Merkel is on thin ice. The U.K. can no longer afford this war or this alliance.

  2. http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2010/10/19-4
