Thursday 7 May 2009

'They Kill More Civilians Than The Taliban'

The sequence of events for the latest major massacre by the US is familiar (when they are caught, that is) -
1. Claim to have killed insurgents/terrorists
2. Deny local accounts of civilian casualties
3. Claim they are 'investigating civilian casualties'
4. Apologise when(and if)independent sources are able to access the area for the truth
5. Try to blame the Taliban for their own incompetent and brutal air-raids.

Hilary Clinton has said the US are 'deeply, deeply concerned' about this latest atrocity. That's an improvement. She might just have been 'deeply concerned'


  1. Afghan air strikes. Some figures for you:

    552 - Civilians killed in air strikes in 2008.

    17 per cent - Proportion of US drone attacks to hit targets since January 2006.

    701 Killed in drone attacks in three years.

    14 'Al-Qa'ida leaders' in that number.

    4.5 million dollars The estimated cost of a single Predator drone.

  2. Afghan villagers are now saying the death toll is as high as 147:
