Sunday 14 September 2008

NO Taliban Killed in US Massacre

As usual the US/NATO/ISAF statement was not worth the paper it was printed on


  1. Their is absolutely no difference between the F16 pilot or the UAV jockey, going home each night to his comfy US suburban house, who releases his or her laser guided bomb into an Afghan village guest house and the German soldiers who, after a partizan attack, would herd a Ukrainian village population into the village barn and throw petrol and hand grenades in. It time for Europe to disband NATO for good and form a new pan European defence and co-operation organisation to replace it. No European soldier should ever again serve under US orders or to further the imperial ambitions of the USA. We should see the operations in Afghanistan for what they are the most disgusting act of appeasement in our Nations history.

  2. Where is the outrage about this story?
