Sunday, 13 January 2013

Good Taliban, Bad Taliban: Pakistan’s Double Game

Good Taliban, Bad Taliban: Pakistan’s Double Game and the US War on Terror: "The drone strike on 2 January was one of the widely publicized variety because it reportedly killed Maulvi Nazir, a militant leader who had survived three previous attempts on his life, two by CIA drones and one by a suicide bomber. The last of these was attributed by many either to the Tehreek-e-Taliban-Pakistan (TTP) or Uzbek militants long established in the region. Nazir’s men had frequently clashed with both groups. "

1 comment:

  1. The US will also be distinguishing between the good and the bad during their pull out.
    Karzai will only see good Taliban is his dreams.
    But, but, a few bad Taliban will appear in his nite-mares.
