Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Glaswegian Refugees Flocking To Kabul

The Russians Are Coming
After news that Kabul is now safer than Glasgow, the Afghan capital has been inundated with Scottish refugees seeking political asylum from a despotic British regime.
Nato official Mark Sedwill said the Afghan capital, as a “city of villages”, and was a better environment for youngsters to grow up in than any city found on the west coast of Scotland.  Kenny, from Easterhouse, told Afghanistan War “People will point to the violence, the drug trafficking and the religious zealots intent on imposing their way of life on everyone around them, but I would just tell them to leave Glasgow and try Kabul instead.” Stuart, from Dennistoun, told us “This morning I’ve been shot at twice, and had to run to avoid a couple of IEDs, so yes, I’m feeling much safer here already.”
Tony says - it's just as well we Weegies can take a joke but there is a serious side to this. The NATO clown who said it must have believed it, or expected the watching world to be crazy enough to believe it. He and NATO are tying themselves in knots trying to retract the sentiments but between this madness and the fake sheikh, we conclude that NATO have got access to Karzai's opium stash.

1 comment:

  1. This goes to show that had they stayed with smoking hashish, instead of opium.
    They would have been better off.

    Afghanistan would have been better off.
    And we all would live in a safer more mellow world.

    All of this shows how insensitive and inept they really are.
