Sunday, 26 September 2010

US Army Censored Images of 'Kill For Sport' Victims

'Benjamin K. Grimes, a senior counsel for the defense, was "inadvertently" sent images last week that show, among other things, "three dead Afghans with three different soldiers posing, holding up the decedent’s head. (Each photo was one Afghan, one soldier.)”
Military officials quickly asked for the photos to be returned. "In an unusual move, prosecutors then demanded defense representatives at the base return the computer disk containing the photos," reports the Seattle Times.'
More details here. 


  1. I remember back in the day when I lived in Santa Barbara Ca.
    I went into a bar, and behind the bar was a picture of three U.S. Green Berets holding a head in their laps.
    The photo was taken in Nam.
    The bar owner and bartender were two of the guys in the picture.

    Need less to say, I did not finish my beer.

  2. How did they get away with even displaying such a crime? One of the benefits of living in a small country is that such a display here would be in the newspapers within 48 hours. The papers here, I have to say, are generally ethical. Only some in America are as I know you will agree.

  3. I try not to even read news accounts from MSM here.
    And if I do i try to go to their source.
