The Good Soldier (Copyright Ford Maddox Ford)
L.Cpl Joe Pool |
Cpl. Joe Glenton |
Visitors to this site will know that we have little more sympathy with the various occupying militaries than with their political puppeteers. A poignant moment for us was the recent death in Afghanistan of Lance Corporal Joe Pool who came from just down the road from here. He was a good man by all accounts. A father and a Celtic fan like myself. It crossed my mind that we may have stood together crammed into Flynn's or the Springfield Tavern or Baird's or The Sary or The Old Barns before a game. It also crossed my mind that he could have been one of the unwelcome visitors kicking in the door of some unsuspecting Afghan family in the middle of the night. I know that many of the soldiers in the occupying armies are economic recruits from the ranks of the unemployed. But it's no excuse. My idea of the good soldier is Bradley Manning, now a prisoner of conscience in the light of the Wikileaks coup. Or Joe Glenton a conscientious objector to the continuing carnage in Afghanistan who speaks at anti-war rallies and is still a fugitive. Both Joes should have stayed at home in the first place. Bill Hicks used to say that all soldiers are thugs. I used to think this was a bit harsh. I change my mind by the day.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link. I recognise a lot of the issues raised about my home town. But some of it is patronising. I say that in the full knowledge that all Glaswegians say they are being patronised when people criticise Glasgow. You are not allowed to 'slag' Glasgow unless you are a Glaswegian. Hugh McIlvanney, a Glasgow sports writer, put it best when he said the attitude of the Glaswegian is summed up thus: 'I don't know all the answers. But neither do you.' Encapsulates me alright.