In a controversial move, Aegis Defence Services, a security contractor with operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, is moving its headquarters to Basel from London. Basler Zeitung, the Basel daily newspaper, reported this week that Aegis is now a wholly owned by a shell company based in the Swiss city. In a statement, a PR Company for Aegis confirmed the move, citing tax reasons, as well as, incredibly, the proximity of international organjzations in Switzerland, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross. The ICRC has worked tirelessly to regulate the private security and mercenary industry.
The statement said that “no business activities will be conducted in or from Switzerland.” Reports of the move have been criticized in the Swiss media generally, with commentators calling Aegis “mercenaries” who should not be allowed in Switzerland, which remains an officially neutral country. Coincidentally, a spokesman for President Karzai said on Tuesday that he would be fixing a date after which security contractors would be asked to leave Afghanistan. We will be watching and waiting.
Ya, I saw that about Karzai wanting to evict the mercenaries.
ReplyDeleteGood luck, I wish him well. :-)
Who will guard Karzai, and his band of thieves?