Monday, 21 June 2010

'Grim Milestone' Passed

Well, the grim milestone was hit today. All the cliches have been rolled out as I posted in anticipation yesterday. The soldier who died had his family beside him. I grieve with them. But I also grieve for all the civilians and 'compound people' who the military have killed in Afghanistan since 2001. Many of them had their families beside them. The difference is that their families died with them. More drone technology anyone?


  1. Creative destruction has many faces.
    I still say they want to Balkanize [redraw] the map of Central/South/Asia.
    Where will the new DMZ be?

    If they want to light the fuse for Pakistan. All they have to do is target Kashmir. If Pakistan turns into utter chaos, the whole region goes with it. China and Russia will have to enter then. This is a very dangerous game that the U.S./NATO is playing.
    The man in your picture will not be last one screaming. Hearts and minds are not won with joy sticks that misguide missiles.

  2. I notice that a poll in Pakistan at the weekend predominantly put the blame for all the violence in Pakistan on the US. It's interesting,looking at the web-feeds here in the UK, that the 300th British soldier's death is being called a 'grim milestone' complete with inverted commas on some sites with no ostensible attempt at irony.

  3. Craig Murray on grim milestones:

  4. Holbrooke complained about the Pak/Iran pipeline. The Pak people will not allow a foreign country to dictate their future.


    It is falling apart at the seems.
